I dont understand why a group dat was d rave then, just fizzle out like dat. *OLUFUNMI* was d hottest song in Nigeria btw late 2003 and 2004.

Then they came out with their debut album in 2006 and it was massive!! "Imagine Dat, Drive me crazy and Iya Basira" was literally ruling d streets of Naija. Then came 2008 when they released their 2nd album and everything fall apart. Nothing was heard of dem again, d album did not see d light of d day!! In 2010, they released yet anoda album which didnt do well. Though it had great songs. My question is WHO JAZZED STYL PLUS DEM? Who did this thing to them? Dat they will not smell d MAINSTREAM OF D MUSIC INDUSTRY which they rocked yesteryears again? I mean these guys are TALENTED, HAVE GOOD VOICES, and hav their OWN SWAG, yet they dont seem to be breaking into d MAINSTREAM again. While less talented artistes are in d spotlights. Could this be spiritual? Bloggers, over to u. What's u guyz opinion?
Then they came out with their debut album in 2006 and it was massive!! "Imagine Dat, Drive me crazy and Iya Basira" was literally ruling d streets of Naija. Then came 2008 when they released their 2nd album and everything fall apart. Nothing was heard of dem again, d album did not see d light of d day!! In 2010, they released yet anoda album which didnt do well. Though it had great songs. My question is WHO JAZZED STYL PLUS DEM? Who did this thing to them? Dat they will not smell d MAINSTREAM OF D MUSIC INDUSTRY which they rocked yesteryears again? I mean these guys are TALENTED, HAVE GOOD VOICES, and hav their OWN SWAG, yet they dont seem to be breaking into d MAINSTREAM again. While less talented artistes are in d spotlights. Could this be spiritual? Bloggers, over to u. What's u guyz opinion?
please where are you we need you to come out